Why Goal Setting is Important for Success?
Does your life have a purpose? Are you living a life by design? We can live our life either by design or by chance. Jim Rohn, success and business philosopher, famously said,
Earl Nightingale put it this way, "People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. It's as simple as that."
"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much."
By not setting goals, your goal is merely to give up your life to chances and take whatever life happens to you.
The Key Differentiating factor between Success and Failure
Why are some people more successful than others? Why do some people achieve so much in life while others achieve so little?
When you look closely at successful people in business, sports, art, science, politics, etc., one consistent factor which stands out is that successful people set goals and take action to achieve them on a systematic basis.
Why You Need a System
Achieve More by Doing Less
It's all about results and efforts. With a system in place, you will ...
- focus time and energy on only things that truly matter to your goals.
- know how to motivate yourself when things are tough
- to understand how to create plans and make consistent progress
Without a working system, your success will simply take longer to arrive, and you will end up achieving less but doing more.
Success Automation
Research in psychology and behavioral sciences has found that there are a few things, such as visualization, regular review, TIME TRACKING
, goal journalist etc., if one can consistently and systematically do, he or she will immensely increase the chance of reaching a goal.
When you have a system that automatically guides you to use these goal techniques on a daily basis, imagine how much more success you can achieve in your life!
I use GoalsOnTrack, designed to be your ultimate tool to systematically achieve any goal you set. Powered with such a success system, you will truly achieve more and do less.
Keep Goals Organized and Stay On Track.
Why Paper-based and Excel Sheets Don't Work
The major reason that the paper-based tool or ExcelSheet system don't work is simply because they are NOT motivating. When your goals become only a little complex, these old-school methods no longer offer you the kind of clarity and dynamic feedback that are crucial to your self-motivation and goal accomplishment.
But this doesn't mean you will have to use complicated software or tools instead. GoalsOnTrack was designed to provide you just the right amount of features that empower you to reach goals, while keeping it as simple and easy to use as a pencil and paper.
Why To-do List and Calendar Don't Work
The ultimate question is not how much or how little you get done. The question is: Are you working on the right things, things that really get you results?
You can be super productive and cross off a hundred items off your to-do list or calendar in a day, but are you anywhere closer to your goals? It's not about getting things done right, but rather getting the right things done.
Keep Goals Organized, Focused on Progress
When you observe people who are successful, from your friends and people at work, to famous people seen in magazine or on TV, do you ever find those people disorganized and out of focus?
Probably not. Why? Because they can't afford to. They have to be organized and stay focused.
We all have only 24 hours in a day. If you want to achieve more and be more, you will have to be super organized and intensely focused on what you want and what you do.
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