Relationship Dynamics

Dear Friends,
It is my great pleasure to share with you the completion of certification as a Strategic Intervention Coach. I am here to serve individuals and organizations as a consultant for improved quality of interaction in the team dynamics. My work focuses on any group setting from a group of 2 to a multilevel complex dynamics.

I belief and trust we grow most when we are able to interact within a group and be able to foster an environment of better understanding others before trying to impose our views.

It is in the ship of relations where real characters are tested, we either run away or run towards things. All most all adults are licensed to drive a motor vehicle and almost no one is licensed to practice relationship in "life" specially when it involves others' emotions, feelings, thoughts and outcomes. We often vicariously and cowardly sneak in and out of relationships through preconceived notions of cultural and societal pressures and norms or through our own childish and selfish cunning constructs and will try to take away much more from a relationship and try to impose our will and through various passive aggressive means try to meet our childish and primal needs. How do I know? Let me whisper something to your ear. "A little secret just between us... this only applies to other people not us"

I am humbled and excited to have had the great opportunity and privilege of extensive review of the published literature in the field and be in position to serve regardless of the dynamics.

If we changed nothing except one critical presupposition that " relationship is a place to give not a place to take" the entire dynamic will change.

Did you know that it is our relationships that make us feel great or horrible 80% of the time. If such a great portion of our well being depends on our relationships, Why don't we start building the ship strongly, instead of painting the ship different colors, jumping the ship, sinking the ship ( that is the Relation- Ship) .......

Did you know that the quality of our relationships are determined and are predisposed to how we related to our parents? If a man for example has contempt towards his primary female care giver, Mom, Teachers etc.. he will grow to transpose the same complex over to his personal relationship? Serious right? But there are ways to changed that emotional node.

Did you know that the attachment complex is a precursor to your view of the world and how well you will adapt to challenges especially in real life situation with a partner? In the 50's the definition of kid was different then what it is today. Today a quarter century old adult males or females are referred to as kids no wonder they behave as such in a relationship mix....

Did you know 50% of success is right selection and 50% is hard work? If you even work your hardest and best based on wrong selection you are still doomed to experience pain?

How do you make the right selection?

In the coming months I will organize and online interactive webinar event where I will be sharing the answers to many questions plus reviewing a comprehensive guide towards attainment of progress in relationship realm both at the individual level and corporate level. Please inbox me if you are interested to benefit from the insight in becoming more and enjoying more of what relationships has to offer and and I will personally send you an invite.

"Relationships amplifies and Accentuates the Emotions of Life"

Hamid Azizi


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