The Power of Internal Language

Words are potent means of not only transferring our ideas to the world. They are even more potent since it is with the power of language that we reconstruct the external reality of the world and shape our internal world and try to constitute a measure of certainty.  In fact, it is so powerful that with a slight difference in syntax and context of language we can change our internal world and under this, we will change and transform our means and methods of dealing with the external world.  Scientist has long been researching the origin, perpetuation, and differentiation of language.  The field of linguistics breaks down language study into several departments namely cognitive, generative, quantitative, and functional theories of grammar, phonology, morphology, syntax, lexis, semantics, pragmatics, and orthography. These are just a few building blocks of the intellectual hierarchy of humanity (language).

Knowing that we are empowered with such powerful software, why don't we use the language more skillfully to change our world literally in seconds and interact with a reduced amount of entropy change and resistance of emotional blocks of pain?  The answer perhaps could be depicted inside the ocean of language itself.  It is so prevalent and present in our lives that we take it for granted.  Further, we are not thought passed the encoding and decoding of language in the form of writing, reading, and speech.

 Language is like software that designs our world, and if we merely change a few aspects of this software, we will replace the output of the software, i.e., our society.  For example, in computer programming, the creation of each realistic sound and motion is derived by software any change in the programming language will lead to a change in the output. 

Having demonstrated the complexity and power of this tool, we will merely refer to the language in two branches for the purpose of this blog post.1. External 2. Internal.  The foreign language that is written or spoken or visual is an edited version of internal communication which is raw and completely explicit.  Before the word is vocalized and articulated it goes through a speedy processing center of, deletion, distortion, and generalization. This is designed as a survival mechanism that enables survival through efficiency and prevention of social rejection which is again key to the human story of survival.

However, the internal unedited raw language is where most of the traits of personality are based upon. This internal language is harsher and unrelenting.  It is the power of this internalized series of words, phrases and stories engraved over time in the form of a monologue and primed auto-recording that impacts the image we have of the self, others and even the physical shape of the world.  Being merely aware of this internal language and constantly questioning its validity can help us to develop a new narrative and in doing so ultimately change the perceptions and projections, we hold true of the world and of others.  We are physically emotionally and spiritually at the mercy of this internal language.  The internal word if unchecked and unattended will lead to the development of a series of malfunctions that impedes our progress and interaction with the world at large.  It is through language that we ascertain the reality of the world and by continually asking for alternative meanings we can be sure of keeping in check our biases, stereotypes, and heuristics at bay.  Is there more than one version of events?  It depends on who is asked and in what context.  

By reducing the volume, tempo, texture, tone, visual cure and temperature of the specific word, we can ultimately alter that pattern of internal language. For our external language, we will approach a higher degree of truth. Absolute truth is difficult to harvest however keeping these three editing tools will lead us to a much stronger bridge between internal language and external language that will direct our mind toward the direction of an internal world where the software is not malfunctioning and communication is clear, concise and empowering.

Until Next Blog

God Bless!
Live The Purpose!
Hamid Azizi      


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