Thinking Errors
We are given a profound computing and thinking capacity, at the core of which exists speed, focus and accuracy. By the same token these traits causes us to make errors in judgement and thinking. As we speed the rate of information processing, focus and accuracy starts to give in. While thinking is simply defined as asking questions, often time the heuristics and biases route of our cognitive map kicks in to give us the answers we are looking for. Because of need for speedy information processing, we do one of three things either separately or all at once. Deletion, Distortion & Generalization. As the result of this patterning, habitual thinking errors occur. Further these thinking errors makes life difficult for us.
I list 12 of them in this blog.
1. Catastrophic Thinking: Jumping to worst possible conclusion in exclusion of all other fact and factors.
2. Black or White Thinking: This refers to all or nothing thinking and thinking in extremes.
3. Fortune Telling: Predicting the future in anxious ways, too impatient.
4. Over Generalization: Using words like always, never, usually, normally to draw crude conclusions.
5. Mind Reading: Thinking you know what others think or intent to do, Really are you that good?
6. Mental Filtering: Focuses and seeing things through a habitual lens of either positive or negative.
7. Negative Labeling: Seeing yourself as a failure and giving situations more power over yourself.
8. Disqualifying a Positive: Twisting a positive into a negative, to fit in or to stay consistent.
9. Emotional Reasoning: Looking and listening to your gut feelings instead of being objective.
10. Personalizing: Ignoring other factors and taking events personal.
11. Demanding: using ought to, must, hold and having rigid rules about yourself, others and world.
12. Giving Up: Having low frustration tolerance, saying it is too difficult, it is hard and unbearable,etc.
These error in thinking impact everything in our life, The key is to think clearly and act responsibly in regards to how we see ourselves, others and the world.
I list 12 of them in this blog.
1. Catastrophic Thinking: Jumping to worst possible conclusion in exclusion of all other fact and factors.
2. Black or White Thinking: This refers to all or nothing thinking and thinking in extremes.
3. Fortune Telling: Predicting the future in anxious ways, too impatient.
4. Over Generalization: Using words like always, never, usually, normally to draw crude conclusions.
5. Mind Reading: Thinking you know what others think or intent to do, Really are you that good?
6. Mental Filtering: Focuses and seeing things through a habitual lens of either positive or negative.
7. Negative Labeling: Seeing yourself as a failure and giving situations more power over yourself.
8. Disqualifying a Positive: Twisting a positive into a negative, to fit in or to stay consistent.
9. Emotional Reasoning: Looking and listening to your gut feelings instead of being objective.
10. Personalizing: Ignoring other factors and taking events personal.
11. Demanding: using ought to, must, hold and having rigid rules about yourself, others and world.
12. Giving Up: Having low frustration tolerance, saying it is too difficult, it is hard and unbearable,etc.
These error in thinking impact everything in our life, The key is to think clearly and act responsibly in regards to how we see ourselves, others and the world.
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