19 Secrets of Success
1. Passion, do it for love not for money
2. Work, All hard work, if you love your
work you will have fun.
3. Good, Put your nose down to something
and get good, Practice, Practice, Practice.
4. Focus on one thing
5. Push, Push, through self doubt and Fear
6. Serve
7. Ideas do simple things well
8 Persist through Failure and C.R.A.P
which stands for criticism, Rejection, Asshole and Pressures.
10. Detached, yet an open mind.
11. Avoid the Greatest Tragedy. The
greatest tragedy of life is not death, it is the lack of living while we are
12. Tune your mind's ears to the wisdom of
13. Review your personal history and make
sure it true and then give it up!
14. Challenge your mind and body to go
where you are uncomfortable.
15. Resentment is the cry of incompetence (Be
16. Visualize what you desire the most
daily and ask why do you want it so bad?
17. Accept that you are the co-creator;
you are responsible for the past, the present and the future. So step up and
accept full responsibility not just partial.
18. Transform the Negative with Positive (1
oz of negative requires 10 oz of positive)
19 Be the gate keeper of your mind (Don’t
allow garbage to get in there)
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