The Power Of Momentum

The Power of Momentum

Momentum is the leverage that is built through disciplined action. Momentum is the universal force that can be both constructive and destructive depending on what type of mindset we foster. What builds momentum in the negative direction is much easier than what builds momentum in the positive direction i.e. falling down from a tree vs climbing up to reach an apple. To build momentum in the positive it is a continuum of conscious action.

The following key components must be present to achieve effortless ease for achievement.
Define your mission, whatever it may be. Define it with absolute clarity and emotional intensity. The Mission must be absolute MUST. NOT a MAY BE!

1. Break down the Mission into several achievable goals.

2. Take disciplined action on consistent basis towards attainment of each goal.

3. Evaluate and measure your progress, develop resourcefulness.

4. Understand that set backs will give you negative force, redirect and re-align.

5. Review the Mission constantly; Re-condition your mind to stay the course.

6. Accept critical reviews, build emotional fortitude and maturity.

7. Give more than excepted from you, go the extra mile.

8. Visualize constantly the outcome with its grand implications.

9. Use Immersion and Association to Anchor and to Expand.

10. Do not sacrifice progress for perfection. Keep moving.

Progress is Equal to happiness, have progress everyday!

Be Happy!


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