Democratic & Secular Radicalism

Part of the mantra of a secular and democratic society is to live in harmony with other community members, be it minorities or majorities.  Another tenet of a free democratic society is to allow for the co-existence of opposing ideas within the context of a legal framework of a fair law, with justice for all.  Many great qualities and amazing achievements are attributable to this forum and platform of state-building and governance.

Religious conservatism also prides itself on the structural-functionalism that it has brought to the world and has shaped the value system of billions of people throughout human history for "good or for bad."  Whether we are religious or secular is not the point of discussion here.

The point of discussion is the idealism of the co-existence of opposing views of the world under one secular system. Does such a system have the moral and ethical authenticity to be trusted for fair treatment of all?  It is a bit ironic to ask the religious minorities to accept the framework of a secular legal system, as the system asserts itself as an honest broker who is not biased when dealing with their highly regarded values of religious minorities, the values that form the very core of the citizen's value structure who practice a certain religion.  

It will be the same to assume that religious fundamentalism will allocate a place for secular masses and assure them respect for their thoughts and rights. It would be a bit ironic, wouldn't you agree? However,  if we look at the history of religion as a dominating force in the not too distant past, we will see that there actually were humane sanctuaries for thoughts of opposing or competing natures in the religion-dominated civilizations.  One look at the literature in historical context will allow us to confirm this fact, that real freedom of speech in relative terms really was flourishing; the difference was that it was not graphic and did not include a great deal of profanity, ridicule, and insults, I guess depends on taste and standards we are willing to tolerate.  Even the religious fundamentalists did not subscribe to a notion of uniformity of an absolute ethnocentric philosophical bias.  These facts are evident from the collaborative work that has its framework grounded in the structural-functionalism of religion.

There was a shift to radicalism to make a point between the progressive and conservatism movement.  Initially, I thought that this form of thought process was limited and exclusive to a few misguided, irrational ultra-religious conservationists who did not realize that the bus had already left the station of the stone age.

To the surprise of my naive thinking, I realized that there actually is a well-oiled machine working on the secular side of the fence, which has the rhetoric of democracy.  Individual freedom and is painting an idealist view of a utopia, which prides itself on the disillusioned reality of mutually exclusive coined terms such as democracy and humane rights, freedom of thoughts and freedom of religion, economic equality, and gender equality.... and words like this, which in essence resonate an enormous volume of hypocritical cognitive divergence. 

In Further examination, I witnessed the overreaction and biased response of a few mentally displaced and morally depleted individuals; I observed the effects of the well-oiled media and propaganda machine that seriously uncovered the true nature of a different type of radicalism. 

 I call that the Democratic and Secular Radicalism.  I write this as it is more dangerous than other types of radicalism.  Simply because this form of Radicalism is inconspicuous, further it has the world's resources at its disposal and has moved away from the basic tenets of  True Democracy. By default, it is now another mutually exclusive term equated with capitalism, masked benevolence under the pretext of charity and philanthropy. It now defaults for the dominance of certain ethnocentric powers. The eugenic affinity of the world congregated around a radical shift towards market expansions through the instrument of war diseases and worldwide pandemics, starvation data manipulation, and more...

Loss of life is regrettable under any pretext, context, and slogan, be it forced pandemic, wars, isolation, or staged coup d'état. Today we have a coup d'état staged on Humanity, not just by tyrannical states, but by democratic states hijacked by non-state actors philanthropic, benevolent, ambivalent eugenics who are self-proclaimed elites and contemporary pharaohs. These pharaohs prophecized calamity and further offered entanglement in their web of conceit as the way out and salvation of humanity.

If there was actually documentation of historical events visa via the polished terminology of collateral damage used during the military occupations in the last 50 years, one could comfortably infer that there are disproportionate numbers of causalities that have afflicted each camp.  Where are the defenders of democracy, human rights, gender equality, etc.? At the same time, they have actually launched campaigns to slaughter humans on an industrial scale under various pretexts? Why? 

What has been the extent of objective, unbiased media coverage on thousands of such incidences? This itself begs the proposal of the following hypothesis that the DEMOCRATIC AND SECULAR RADICALISM HAS ACHIEVED THE OBJECTIVE OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH THROUGH ENDEMIC AND  ERADICATION OF ITS CRITICS THROUGH MILITARY INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC GERM WARFARE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS.  

We have entered the era of the world where there is a new form of radicalism (DEMOCRATIC & SECULAR RADICALISM) where the power and force of suppression of descent are disproportionately concentrated in a specific ethnocentric and geopolitical SOCIO-ECONOMIC matrix, which demands the exceptional-ism of few over many, contrary to the tenets of its original legitimatizing values. This further favors specific ethnocentric value systems contrary to the very idea of equality that presumably is attributed to the very system. 

Welcome to DEMOCRATIC & SECULAR RADICALISM, Oxymoron? Think again.   


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